“Re-Implementing the 2020 Title IX Regulations.” Co-facilitators: Patrick Mathis, Esq. and Susanna Murphy, Esq. Live webinar with Title IX Solutions, January 2025.
"Preparing for 2025." Live webinar for Women's Center of Greater Lansing, Lansing, Michigan, November 2024.
"Title IX at MSU: From Larry Nassar to Mel Tucker." Guest lecture for James Madison College at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, November 2024.
"Michigan Special Education and Title IX Law and Practice." Guest lecture for Prof. Elly Jordan's Child, Family, and the State class at MSU College of Law, East Lansing, Michigan, October 2024.
“Navigating the New Title IX Rule With Confidence: A Two Day Virtual Training Intensive for Higher Education.” Virtual webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC, July 2024.
“Title IX Coordinator Virtual Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Live webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC, February 2024.
"Defining Title IX: Where does it fit within the Sexual Violence Response Framework?" Co-facilitator: Patrick Mathis, Esq. Live webinar with EVAWI, December 2023.
"Title IX Planning Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Live webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC, for Coastal Bend College, Beeville, Texas, October 2023.
"Title IX Investigator Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Presented by Title IX Solutions, LLC, for Ligonier Valley School District, Ligonier, Pennsylvania, August 2023.
"Title IX Investigator Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Title IX Solutions, LLC's Title IX Regional Event hosted by Southern Adventist University, Keene, Texas, August 2023.
"Current Title IX Legal, Social, and Policy Issues in the U.S. and at Michigan State University." Guest lecture for Dr. Susan Stein-Roggenbuck's Sexual Politics class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2023.
"Title IX Investigator Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Presented by Title IX Solutions, LLC for St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York, March 2023.
"Role of the Title IX Investigator." Recorded webinar for Title IX Solutions, LLC's Foundational Investigator certification course, September 2022.
"Plotting the Course: Investigation Preparation." Live webinar for Title IX Solutions, LLC's Title IX in Motion virtual conference, August 2022.
"Title IX and Sex Discrimination in Schools." Live webinar for Oakland County Bar Association Employment Law Committee, May 2022.
"Title IX - It’s Not Just About Athletics. What You Need to Know." Co-facilitator: Karen Truszkowski, Esq. Live webinar for the Federal Bar Association, New Orleans Chapter, April 2022.
"Michigan Special Education Law." Co-facilitator: Jacquelyn Babinski, Esq. Live and recorded webinar with National Business Institute, February 2022.
"The Role of a Title IX Investigator." Live webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC for Twin Rivers Unified School District, McClellan Park, California, January 2022.
"Title IX Investigator Training: Investigation Planning & Design." Live and recorded webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC, November 2021.
"Current Title IX Legal, Social, and Policy Issues in the U.S. and at Michigan State University." Remote guest lecture for Dr. Susan Stein-Roggenbuck's Sexual Politics class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2021.
"FAQ with Professional Title IX Advisors." Co-facilitator: Susanna Murphy, Esq. Recorded webinar for Title IX Solutions, LLC's Stepping Up: Become an Effective Title IX Advisor course, March 2021.
"Sex Discrimination in Educational Settings: Title IX, Clery, and Other Civil Rights Remedies." Live webinar for Michigan Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence and YWCA of Kalamazoo, August 2020.
"Title IX Investigations in the K-8 Setting." Co-facilitator: Amanda McLain Barratt, LMSW. Live webinar for Honey Creek Community School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 2020.
"Title IX Advocacy." Co-facilitator: Amanda McLain Barratt, LMSW. The Firecracker Foundation New Advocate Training, Holt, Michigan, October 2019.
"Cultivating a Culture of Equity." Panel discussion with Emily Dievendorf, Lejla Bajgoric, Anthony Lewis, and Charity Dean, Esq. Michigan Municipal League Annual Convention, Detroit, Michigan, September 2019.
"Diversity, Equity, and Unconscious Bias: How We Create an Inclusive Environment and Employ People Who Represent the Community We Serve in Higher Education and Other Public Entities." Co-facilitator: Mwanaisha Sims, Esq. American Association for Access, Equity, and Diversity (AAAED) National Conference and Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 2019.
"Sexual Violence and Institutions (Prevention, Policy, and Procedure)." Recorded guest lecture for Dessie Clark's Sexual Violence Against Women and Children: Theory and Response class at Michigan State University, June 2019.
"Current Title IX Legal, Social, and Policy Issues in the U.S. and at Michigan State University." Guest lecture for Dr. Susan Stein-Roggenbuck's Sexual Politics class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2019.
"Know Your Title IX Rights." 26th Annual Dia De La Mujer Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2019.
"Title IX Advocacy." Co-facilitators: Amanda McLain Barratt, LMSW and Leah Short. The Firecracker Foundation New Advocate Training, Holt, Michigan, March 2019.
"Special Education and Title IX: Addressing the Needs of Students With Disabilities Who Have Also Experienced Sex-Based Harassment or Assault." Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2019.
"Special Education: Advocacy Strategies and Best Practices." Michigan Poverty Law Program Roadshow Training, Okemos, Michigan, October 2018.
"JMC Policy in Practice." Panel discussion with Sharon Ladenson and Emily Dievendorf. Michigan State University, James Madison College incoming freshmen, East Lansing, Michigan, August 2018.
"Hot Topic: Successfully Navigating #MeToo Under Title IX and ELCRA." Co-facilitators: Sylvia Elliott, Esq., and Kristina Bilowus, Esq. State Bar of Michigan Young Lawyers Section Annual Summit, Harbor Springs, Michigan, June 2018.
"Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct, Anti-Discrimination Policy, and Mandatory Reporting Training." Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
"Quick Start: Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct, Anti-Discrimination Policy, and Mandatory Reporting Training." Graduate School new faculty, instructors, and graduate assistants, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
"The Rules of the Game: MSU Athletes and the RVSM Policy." Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
"Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Anti-Discrimination Policy Training." Dow STEM and Neighborhood Student Success Scholars (NSSC) Spartan Success Mentors, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, August 2017.
"Title IX and Civil Rights Legal, Social, and Policy Issues at Michigan State University." Co-facilitator: Lauren Spencer, Esq. Guest lecture for Dr. Susan Stein-Roggenbuck's Sexual Politics: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2017.
"MSU Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Anti-Discrimination Policy Training."
"Careers in Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education." Kappa Alpha Phi Pre-Law Co-Ed Fraternity, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, February 2017.
"Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct, Anti-Discrimination Policy, Mandatory Reporting, and Sexual Assault Response and Resources Training." Co-facilitator: Tana Fedewa, LMSW. Honors College faculty and students, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, November 2016.
"Title IX and Civil Rights Legal, Social, and Policy Issues at Michigan State University." Co-facilitator: Lauren Spencer, Esq. Guest lecture for Dr. Julia Grant's Senior Seminar in Social Relations: Issues in Higher Education class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, October 2016.
"Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, Bias, Relationship Violence, and Sexual Misconduct Training." Michigan State University.
"Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance in the Higher Education Context." Co-facilitator: Lazarius Miller. Presented to Mr. Miller's Student Culture and Higher Education class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2016.
"Rethinking Communication Channels and Patterns to Promote Well-Being Among International and First-Generation Students and Their Major Support Units on Campus Seminar." Co-facilitator: Dr. Nancy DeJoy. Collaborative daylong student, faculty, and staff seminar facilitated at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, November 2015.
"Bias Incidents, Prohibited Harassment, and Sexual Assault Protocols." Residential and Housing Services, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
"Immigration Remedies Available to Victims of Crime." Co-facilitator: Maggie Fibbe, Esq. National Organization of Victim Assistance (NOVA) Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio, September 2013.
"Preparing for 2025." Live webinar for Women's Center of Greater Lansing, Lansing, Michigan, November 2024.
"Title IX at MSU: From Larry Nassar to Mel Tucker." Guest lecture for James Madison College at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, November 2024.
"Michigan Special Education and Title IX Law and Practice." Guest lecture for Prof. Elly Jordan's Child, Family, and the State class at MSU College of Law, East Lansing, Michigan, October 2024.
“Navigating the New Title IX Rule With Confidence: A Two Day Virtual Training Intensive for Higher Education.” Virtual webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC, July 2024.
“Title IX Coordinator Virtual Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Live webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC, February 2024.
"Defining Title IX: Where does it fit within the Sexual Violence Response Framework?" Co-facilitator: Patrick Mathis, Esq. Live webinar with EVAWI, December 2023.
"Title IX Planning Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Live webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC, for Coastal Bend College, Beeville, Texas, October 2023.
"Title IX Investigator Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Presented by Title IX Solutions, LLC, for Ligonier Valley School District, Ligonier, Pennsylvania, August 2023.
"Title IX Investigator Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Title IX Solutions, LLC's Title IX Regional Event hosted by Southern Adventist University, Keene, Texas, August 2023.
"Current Title IX Legal, Social, and Policy Issues in the U.S. and at Michigan State University." Guest lecture for Dr. Susan Stein-Roggenbuck's Sexual Politics class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2023.
"Title IX Investigator Training." Co-facilitator: Tawny Alonzo. Presented by Title IX Solutions, LLC for St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York, March 2023.
"Role of the Title IX Investigator." Recorded webinar for Title IX Solutions, LLC's Foundational Investigator certification course, September 2022.
"Plotting the Course: Investigation Preparation." Live webinar for Title IX Solutions, LLC's Title IX in Motion virtual conference, August 2022.
"Title IX and Sex Discrimination in Schools." Live webinar for Oakland County Bar Association Employment Law Committee, May 2022.
"Title IX - It’s Not Just About Athletics. What You Need to Know." Co-facilitator: Karen Truszkowski, Esq. Live webinar for the Federal Bar Association, New Orleans Chapter, April 2022.
"Michigan Special Education Law." Co-facilitator: Jacquelyn Babinski, Esq. Live and recorded webinar with National Business Institute, February 2022.
"The Role of a Title IX Investigator." Live webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC for Twin Rivers Unified School District, McClellan Park, California, January 2022.
"Title IX Investigator Training: Investigation Planning & Design." Live and recorded webinar with Title IX Solutions, LLC, November 2021.
"Current Title IX Legal, Social, and Policy Issues in the U.S. and at Michigan State University." Remote guest lecture for Dr. Susan Stein-Roggenbuck's Sexual Politics class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2021.
"FAQ with Professional Title IX Advisors." Co-facilitator: Susanna Murphy, Esq. Recorded webinar for Title IX Solutions, LLC's Stepping Up: Become an Effective Title IX Advisor course, March 2021.
"Sex Discrimination in Educational Settings: Title IX, Clery, and Other Civil Rights Remedies." Live webinar for Michigan Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence and YWCA of Kalamazoo, August 2020.
"Title IX Investigations in the K-8 Setting." Co-facilitator: Amanda McLain Barratt, LMSW. Live webinar for Honey Creek Community School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 2020.
"Title IX Advocacy." Co-facilitator: Amanda McLain Barratt, LMSW. The Firecracker Foundation New Advocate Training, Holt, Michigan, October 2019.
"Cultivating a Culture of Equity." Panel discussion with Emily Dievendorf, Lejla Bajgoric, Anthony Lewis, and Charity Dean, Esq. Michigan Municipal League Annual Convention, Detroit, Michigan, September 2019.
"Diversity, Equity, and Unconscious Bias: How We Create an Inclusive Environment and Employ People Who Represent the Community We Serve in Higher Education and Other Public Entities." Co-facilitator: Mwanaisha Sims, Esq. American Association for Access, Equity, and Diversity (AAAED) National Conference and Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 2019.
"Sexual Violence and Institutions (Prevention, Policy, and Procedure)." Recorded guest lecture for Dessie Clark's Sexual Violence Against Women and Children: Theory and Response class at Michigan State University, June 2019.
"Current Title IX Legal, Social, and Policy Issues in the U.S. and at Michigan State University." Guest lecture for Dr. Susan Stein-Roggenbuck's Sexual Politics class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2019.
"Know Your Title IX Rights." 26th Annual Dia De La Mujer Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2019.
"Title IX Advocacy." Co-facilitators: Amanda McLain Barratt, LMSW and Leah Short. The Firecracker Foundation New Advocate Training, Holt, Michigan, March 2019.
"Special Education and Title IX: Addressing the Needs of Students With Disabilities Who Have Also Experienced Sex-Based Harassment or Assault." Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2019.
"Special Education: Advocacy Strategies and Best Practices." Michigan Poverty Law Program Roadshow Training, Okemos, Michigan, October 2018.
"JMC Policy in Practice." Panel discussion with Sharon Ladenson and Emily Dievendorf. Michigan State University, James Madison College incoming freshmen, East Lansing, Michigan, August 2018.
"Hot Topic: Successfully Navigating #MeToo Under Title IX and ELCRA." Co-facilitators: Sylvia Elliott, Esq., and Kristina Bilowus, Esq. State Bar of Michigan Young Lawyers Section Annual Summit, Harbor Springs, Michigan, June 2018.
"Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct, Anti-Discrimination Policy, and Mandatory Reporting Training." Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
- Department of Religious Studies faculty and staff, February 2018
- Department of Supply Chain Management faculty and staff, February 2018
- Department of Physiology faculty and staff, January 2018
- MSU Extension faculty and staff, January 2018
- Department of Physics and Astronomy faculty and staff, October 2017
- Department of Community Sustainability faculty and staff, October 2017
- Department of Chemistry faculty and staff, October 2017
- College of Agriculture and Natural Resources faculty and staff, October 2017
- Department of Integrative Biology faculty and staff, September 2017
- MSU Health Team faculty and staff, September 2017. Co-facilitator: Lynn Kriser, Esq.
- School of Packaging faculty and staff, September 2017
- Department of Statistics and Probability faculty and staff, September 2017
- Neuroscience Program faculty and staff, August 2017
- Residential and Hospitality Services Culinary Services student supervisors, August 2017
- Academic Orientation Program staff and student employees, June 2017 (two sessions)
- James Madison College Inclusion Committee faculty and students, April 2017
- College of Human Medicine academic administrators, October 2016
- James Madison College academic administrators, September 2016
- MSU Union staff, September 2016. Co-facilitator: Jessica Norris.
- Honors College academic administrators and staff, August 2016
"Quick Start: Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct, Anti-Discrimination Policy, and Mandatory Reporting Training." Graduate School new faculty, instructors, and graduate assistants, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
- January 2018
- August 2017
- August 2015
"The Rules of the Game: MSU Athletes and the RVSM Policy." Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
- Student athletes from multiple teams, September 2017
- Women's volleyball team athletes, October 2016
- Men's ice hockey team athletes, October 2016
- Track and field and cross country team athletes, September 2016. Co-facilitator: Dr. Ande Durojaiye.
- Women's gymnastics team athletes, September 2016
- Varsity rowing team athletes, August 2016
- Men's golf team athletes, August 2016
"Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Anti-Discrimination Policy Training." Dow STEM and Neighborhood Student Success Scholars (NSSC) Spartan Success Mentors, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, August 2017.
"Title IX and Civil Rights Legal, Social, and Policy Issues at Michigan State University." Co-facilitator: Lauren Spencer, Esq. Guest lecture for Dr. Susan Stein-Roggenbuck's Sexual Politics: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2017.
"MSU Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Anti-Discrimination Policy Training."
- East Lansing Islamic Center community members, East Lansing, Michigan, March 2017
- Spartan Village Community Inclusion Forum, East Lansing, Michigan, November 2016. Co-facilitator: Mwanaisha Sims, Esq.
"Careers in Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education." Kappa Alpha Phi Pre-Law Co-Ed Fraternity, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, February 2017.
"Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct, Anti-Discrimination Policy, Mandatory Reporting, and Sexual Assault Response and Resources Training." Co-facilitator: Tana Fedewa, LMSW. Honors College faculty and students, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, November 2016.
"Title IX and Civil Rights Legal, Social, and Policy Issues at Michigan State University." Co-facilitator: Lauren Spencer, Esq. Guest lecture for Dr. Julia Grant's Senior Seminar in Social Relations: Issues in Higher Education class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, October 2016.
"Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, Bias, Relationship Violence, and Sexual Misconduct Training." Michigan State University.
- Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention (SACI) volunteers
- September 2017
- June 2016
- Residential and Housing Services Resident Assistants and Intercultural Aides, August 2016
- Dow STEM and Neighborhood Student Success Scholars (NSSC) Spartan Success Mentors, August 2016
- Residential and Housing Services Assistant Community Directors and Community Directors, August 2016. Co-facilitator: Mwanaisha Sims, Esq.
- Residential and Housing Services Culinary Services staff, June 2016
- Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and MSU Extension Michigan Mobile Boat Wash Project staff, June 2016
- College of Veterinary Medicine support staff, March 2016 (two sessions)
- Residential and Housing Services staff, January 2016
- Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence (SARV) Prevention Program student facilitators, September 2015
- MSU Greenline staff and student employees, September 2015
- Dow STEM and Neighborhood Student Success Scholars (NSSC) Spartan Success Mentors, September 2015
"Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance in the Higher Education Context." Co-facilitator: Lazarius Miller. Presented to Mr. Miller's Student Culture and Higher Education class at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, April 2016.
"Rethinking Communication Channels and Patterns to Promote Well-Being Among International and First-Generation Students and Their Major Support Units on Campus Seminar." Co-facilitator: Dr. Nancy DeJoy. Collaborative daylong student, faculty, and staff seminar facilitated at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, November 2015.
"Bias Incidents, Prohibited Harassment, and Sexual Assault Protocols." Residential and Housing Services, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
- Resident Assistants and Intercultural Aides, August 2015
- Assistant Community Directors and Community Directors, August 2015
- Summer camp program staff, June 2015
"Immigration Remedies Available to Victims of Crime." Co-facilitator: Maggie Fibbe, Esq. National Organization of Victim Assistance (NOVA) Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio, September 2013.
"Sobre las Visas para Víctimas de Violencia Doméstica." Co-facilitator: Lorena Mora-Mowry. Training webinar created for Mujer Latina Today, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2013.
"Servicios de Ayuda Legal y Pruebas de Violencia Doméstica." Co-facilitator: Lorena Mora-Mowry. Training webinar created for Mujer Latina Today, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2013. "Legal Rights of Immigrants and Limited English Proficient Students." Sharonville Elementary School, Sharonville, Ohio, June 2013. "Legal Obligations of Agencies Serving Victims with Limited English Proficiency." Alliance for Immigrant Women, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 2013. |
"Education Disparities: Ensuring a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for Vulnerable Populations." Co-facilitator: Virginia Tallent, Esq. Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 2013.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Foster Parents." Lighthouse Youth Services, Cincinnati, Ohio, January 2013.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Parents, Foster Parents, and Children’s Advocates." Center for Family Solutions, Hamilton, Ohio, December 2012.
"Legal Rights of Immigrants and Limited English Proficient Students." Clermont County Mental Health Board, Batavia, Ohio, November 2012.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Guardians ad Litem." Center for Family Solutions, Hamilton, Ohio, May 2011.
“Special Education and School Discipline Law for Court Appointed Special Advocates and Guardians ad Litem.” University of Cincinnati – Clermont College, Batavia, Ohio, September 2010.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Children’s Advocates." Necco of Ohio, Springdale, Ohio.
"Legal Rights of Survivors of Domestic Violence." Women Helping Women, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 2010.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Foster Parents.” Child Focus, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 2010.
"Special Education Rights, IEPs, and 504 Plans." Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 2010.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Foster Care Case Managers." Hamilton Choices Independent Living Program, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 2008.
"Legal Rights of Immigrants." Academy of World Languages, Cincinnati, Ohio
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Foster Parents." Lighthouse Youth Services, Cincinnati, Ohio, January 2013.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Parents, Foster Parents, and Children’s Advocates." Center for Family Solutions, Hamilton, Ohio, December 2012.
"Legal Rights of Immigrants and Limited English Proficient Students." Clermont County Mental Health Board, Batavia, Ohio, November 2012.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Guardians ad Litem." Center for Family Solutions, Hamilton, Ohio, May 2011.
“Special Education and School Discipline Law for Court Appointed Special Advocates and Guardians ad Litem.” University of Cincinnati – Clermont College, Batavia, Ohio, September 2010.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Children’s Advocates." Necco of Ohio, Springdale, Ohio.
- May 2010
- November 2008
"Legal Rights of Survivors of Domestic Violence." Women Helping Women, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 2010.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Foster Parents.” Child Focus, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 2010.
"Special Education Rights, IEPs, and 504 Plans." Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 2010.
"Special Education and School Discipline Law for Foster Care Case Managers." Hamilton Choices Independent Living Program, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 2008.
"Legal Rights of Immigrants." Academy of World Languages, Cincinnati, Ohio
- February 2008
- April 2007
The Labor & Employment Law Section Mentoring Program: A Personal Perspective. Labor & Employment Law Section Newsletter, issue 15 (Spring 2021). Coauthored with Shel Stark, Esq.
Representing Employees of Educational Institutions In the #MeToo Era: What Employment Lawyers Need to Know about Title IX. Michigan Bar Journal, vol. 98, no. 6 (June 2019).
Viewpoint: It’s time for MSU to settle Title IX litigation with all survivors, Lansing State Journal, January 20, 2019.
Negotiating the Title IX Process: Practice Tips for Family Law Attorneys Representing Students. Michigan Family Law Journal, vol. 47, no. 2 (February 2017).
Remedies for Victims of School-Related Stalking: Title IX Lessons for Family Law Practitioners. Michigan Family Law Journal, vol. 46, no. 9 (November 2016).
Navigating Ethical Challenges: The Importance of Mentors for New Attorneys. Michigan Bar Journal, vol. 94, no. 11 (November 2015).
ABA YLD Annual Meeting in Chicago Seminar Report. Inter Alia: Among Other Things (Fall 2015).
Don’t Leave Them Behind: Education for Homeless, Immigrant, and Limited-English-Proficient Children. Clearinghouse Review: Journal of Poverty Law and Policy, vol. 48, nos. 5-6 (October 2014).
"Finding a Mentor: An Essential Tool for the New Attorney." Cincinnati Bar Association Report, June 2013.
"Immigrant's story mirrors others." Cincinnati Enquirer, September 5, 2012.
Representing Employees of Educational Institutions In the #MeToo Era: What Employment Lawyers Need to Know about Title IX. Michigan Bar Journal, vol. 98, no. 6 (June 2019).
Viewpoint: It’s time for MSU to settle Title IX litigation with all survivors, Lansing State Journal, January 20, 2019.
Negotiating the Title IX Process: Practice Tips for Family Law Attorneys Representing Students. Michigan Family Law Journal, vol. 47, no. 2 (February 2017).
Remedies for Victims of School-Related Stalking: Title IX Lessons for Family Law Practitioners. Michigan Family Law Journal, vol. 46, no. 9 (November 2016).
Navigating Ethical Challenges: The Importance of Mentors for New Attorneys. Michigan Bar Journal, vol. 94, no. 11 (November 2015).
ABA YLD Annual Meeting in Chicago Seminar Report. Inter Alia: Among Other Things (Fall 2015).
Don’t Leave Them Behind: Education for Homeless, Immigrant, and Limited-English-Proficient Children. Clearinghouse Review: Journal of Poverty Law and Policy, vol. 48, nos. 5-6 (October 2014).
"Finding a Mentor: An Essential Tool for the New Attorney." Cincinnati Bar Association Report, June 2013.
"Immigrant's story mirrors others." Cincinnati Enquirer, September 5, 2012.